Finance and Catering

Parmiter’s uses an online payment system called WisePay.  You will receive your login details for WisePay before your child starts in the autumn term. As well as school trips, school transport, music lessons, etc. you will use WisePay to credit your child’s school meal account.  The canteen does not accept cash payments.  For further information, please click here.

Cashless Catering

We operate a “cashless” catering system in school. Students can use a contactless card or biometric authentication (fingerprint scan) to pay for food.  (When the finger is scanned, the system detects small differentiating features and converts them into a number, it does not store an image of the fingerprint.)

Parents can request a daily spending limit for their child. For example, you can credit £10.00 on your child’s lunch account and set a daily spending limit at £3.00.  Any unused money is automatically carried forward to the next day. 

Catering Arrangements

The breakfast and weekly menus (sample above) for the canteen are posted on our website under ‘Parents - Canteen & WisePay’ or click here

There are traditional main meals for those wanting to sit and eat in the canteen and 'Grab & Go' for those on a tight schedule to get to a lunchtime club!  Students can also enjoy the daily breakfast specials.

Students can also bring a packed lunch if they prefer.

Breakfast 8.00am - 8.30am  
Break 10.55am - 11.20am  
Lunch 1.20pm - 2.20pm During the examination periods, lunch is early (12.20pm - 1.20pm)

Once students have finished eating, they are asked to go outside for some fresh air.  

Catering for Various Dietary Requirements
The canteen routinely offers meat, vegetarian and vegan options.  All allergens are clearly indicated at the point of sale.  No nuts are used in any of the food prepared and sold at the school. Please make sure that you make the school aware of your child's specific dietary requirements and any allergies or intolerances so that these can be recorded.  Alternatively, you may choose for your child to bring in a packed lunch.

Free School Meals ~ please check if you are eligible

If your child is currently entitled to free school meals, it is your responsibility to ensure that the entitlement is transferred from primary to secondary school.  Please use this link to update your account and select Parmiter's School.  Please forward a copy of your confirmation email to:

To see if you are eligible to claim Free School Meals, please use this link and follow the instructions to apply.  Please forward a copy of your confirmation email to

Students entitled to free school meals will be covered for a spend of £3.00 per day.  Any unused amount will not be carried forward.