Academic Achievement

2023 Public Examination Results

A Levels

Congratulations to all our students for this year's A Level success.  This was their first experience of public examinations, given the pandemic, and they have achieved extremely well.

In summary, 44% of all grades were A*/A  with 70% of grades being A*/A/B.

The overwhelming majority of students attained their first choice of university.  We are delighted for them and their incredibly supportive families that they have achieved the success they so deserve.  Parmiter's also had a record number of students holding offers from Oxbridge or Medical School and we are delighted that they all secured their places.

Thanks as ever to our dedicated staff for all the teaching, guidance and support that they have provided for our students throughout the past two years.


Congratulations to our 2023 cohort for their success in this year's GCSE examinations.

In summary, 48% of all grades were 7+ with 88% of all students attaining at least 5 passes including English and Maths.

This success is all the more impressive given the disruption to their learning, due to the pandemic, during their Key Stage 3 studies.  Congratulations go to the students as well as their supportive families and carers as well as Parmiter's dedicated staff.

We look forward to welcoming back the majority of students as they begin their A Level studies at Parmiter's in September.  We wish every success to them and those students who are now moving on to continue their studies elsewhere.


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