Remote Learning

Parmiter’s School is committed to providing an outstanding remote learning provision that ensures students continue to access a high quality education. 

Parmiter's Remote Learning Provision - full or partial school closure

Parmiter’s is committed to providing an outstanding remote learning provision that ensures students continue to access a high quality education. 

1.       How will students access the remote learning provision?

All remote learning will be delivered via Google Classroom and students will follow their usual school timetable.  

To access Google Classroom, students in Years 7 - 11 are expected to use their school chromebook.  Students in Years 12 and 13 are expected to use a suitable device.

If the lack of a suitable device is/becomes an issue for your family, please contact Mr Cummings (Years 7, 8 & 9), Ms Hall (Years 10 & 11) or Mr Porter (Years 12 & 13) and we will endeavour to help.

Whilst all learning material will be communicated via Google Classroom, students should also continue to check their school e-mail accounts.

2.       How will the day be structured?  How will students be taught?  What will they be taught?

Students will follow their usual school timetable.

We have considered carefully our approach to remote learning, which we summarise here

Form Time

Our experience from previous periods of school closure is that the format of Form Time is dependent on the length, or anticipated length, of remote learning. 

For longer periods of remote learning, students will be allocated one ‘live’ form time per week to allow for a more personalised, small group provision.  In addition to the ‘live’ form time, recorded content such as year group assemblies will be available via Google Classroom and can be accessed at any time. Students will be able to contact their form tutor via Google Classroom or email if they have any concerns or require any support.

Arrangements for form time will be confirmed if a full or partial school closure is necessary.

Subject lessons

At the start of each lesson students must go to the relevant Google Classroom. 

The format of lessons will vary.  In all cases, there will be material available for students to use for study during the hour.  Lessons may also include:

  • live-streamed sessions delivered via the Google Meet functionality within Google Classroom;
  • pre-recorded material. 

Where the lesson includes a live-streamed session, it is expected that students will join the session.  Before accessing a live-streamed lesson, we ask that students and parents/carers familiarise themselves with our expectations.  In particular, appendix 5 from our school ICT & e-Safety policy that details our expectations of student conduct, good practice and acceptable use when attending a live-streamed lesson.  

If students are unsure how to access live lessons they can watch a ‘how to’ video here.


In the majority of subjects, students will continue to cover the planned curriculum albeit through remote learning.   Our departments sequence their curriculum to build on prior learning experiences and to develop the key skills and knowledge in a way that best supports progress.  However, it is not possible to fully replicate the experience of classroom learning and so it will be necessary for teachers to adapt some resources, activities and assessments.

Subjects that regularly involve practical activities, such as Art, Design & Technology, Music and Science will necessarily have to adapt activities to allow students to participate in learning without access to specialist equipment.  These departments have developed resources and adapted their teaching such that students can still experience the richness of these subjects, as well as continuing to develop skills and knowledge. 

For a few subjects, more significant changes to the face-to-face curriculum are required, for example Key Stage 3 PE and Drama and Key Stage 4 Games.  During previous periods of school closure, students in Years 7 - 9 have followed a Film Studies programme during their Drama lessons; a provision students found engaging and inspiring.  Our PE department will continue to enthuse and encourage students to remain healthy and active, but necessarily have to adapt the curriculum to the home learning environment.   

In the event of a longer period of full or partial school closure we will provide further details of any significant curriculum changes.

Hours of study each day

As students will follow their school timetable, students in Years 7 - 11 will have 5 hours of learning material each day.  Arrangements regarding homework for Years 7 - 11 will be confirmed if a longer period of full or partial school closure as necessary; for shorter periods of school closure the usual arrangements regarding homework apply.

Students in Year 12 & 13 will often be set tasks that extend beyond their timetabled lessons and so a minimum of 5 hours of learning is expected each day.

Learning environment

It is important that students retain good learning habits.  During any period of remote learning students ideally need an appropriate workspace and should be ready to start their day promptly.  They must have any exercise books or textbooks they will need for the day easily to hand.  On the days students have PE (Years 7, 8 & 9) or Games (Years 10 & 11) they should dress appropriately for joining in the physical activities offered by the department.

3.       Engagement and feedback

Attendance at live sessions is monitored by staff and non-attendance recorded.  Repeated non-attendance at live sessions will be followed up with students and parents/carers by Heads of Year. 

Deadlines and details of how and when work is to be submitted will be included in the lesson information on Google Classroom.  Frequency of submission will vary by subject depending on weekly curriculum time; this reflects normal school practice.  Repeated late or non-submission of work will be followed up with students and parents/carers by Heads of Year.

Students will receive feedback in a variety of ways, as is normal school practice.  These may include:

  • automated feedback from a Google Quiz, or similar;
  • attitude to learning (AtL) grades or marks for teacher assessed pieces via Google Classroom;
  • personalised or whole class written feedback via Google Classroom;
  • verbal feedback during a live session;

The school’s reward system will continue, with students being awarded achievement points where appropriate.

4.      Additional support for students with particular needs

We recognise that some students, for example some students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may find it more challenging to adapt to, and access, the remote learning provision.  We will work with parents and carers to support these students in the following ways:

  • All students with EHCPs have the option to attend school and complete their remote learning under the supervision of staff.
  • Curriculum Support teachers will deliver their timetabled small group lessons via Google Classroom. 
  • Teaching Assistants will be logged into live lessons, as per their regular timetable, in order to support students.

For longer periods of remote learning:

  • all students with an EHCP will have regular contact with their TA keyworker ​via email and/or telephone. Parents/carers of a child or young person with an EHCP will also receive regular communication from the SEN department via our Lead Teachers for SEN or the SENCO. 
  • Other students on the SEND register in KS3,4 and 5, who are identified by staff or parents as finding the remote learning circumstances a particular challenge, will be contacted by members of the Curriculum Support department, who will be key points of contact for ongoing advice and support during the current restrictions.
  • Where possible, teaching assistants will be in school on a rota basis to work with students who are on site.*
  • Mentoring will be offered virtually for students who usually access this support in school.
  • We will continue to hold online meetings with parents and external professionals, subject to availability. 

*  These statements reflect our provision during previous periods of school closure.  In the event of future closures, we will offer this provision as long as it is in line with Government guidance.