Special Educational Needs

The team, led by the joint Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCo) and consisting of an SEN Office Manager, two SEND Lead teachers and a team of teaching assistants, works closely with class teachers and pastoral staff to provide appropriate support for students who experience difficulty in their learning. Working together and liaising closely with parents/carers and relevant professionals, we aim to meet the educational, social, emotional and physical needs of the students. We are dedicated to enabling all students to fulfil their potential. Parmiter’s also has specialist provision for students with a visual impairment, which enables us to modify their lesson resources.

The details of our SEN Information Report can be found here.

The Special Education Needs Policy can be found under 'About Us - Policies' or click here.

The department can be contacted via: sendept@parmiters.herts.sch.uk.

Information about the local authority's Local Offer of services and provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disability can be found here.

Supporting students with a Visual Impairment (VI)

Specialist teaching assistants adapt and develop resources. A range of equipment is available in school and we have teaching assistants who are experienced in adapting resources for students with a visual impairment. We work closely with specialists from the County VI team.

Working with Parents

At Parmiter’s School our we have a Pastoral Team as well as an SEN Team committed to supporting your child to experience success. Your child’s Head of Year/ Deputy Head of Year and/or Form Tutor will be able to support you with any initial concerns regarding your child’s progress and friendship groups. If your child is experiencing subject-specific challenges, you are encouraged to contact the subject teacher in the first instance. If a child is identified as requiring SEN support beyond Quality First Teaching in the classroom, the case will be passed to the SEN Team, so appropriate support and next steps can be explored.

We aim to build supportive relationships and liaise closely with parents and carers.

Support for Students, Parents and Carers

Useful Links

Please see below some useful information about resources and services you may wish to access to support your child/young person:

  • SENDIASS - provides information, confidential advice and support to promote independence and self-advocacy in making informed decisions.
  • DSPL9 - provides support at a local level for families with children and young people with SEND.
  • Local Offer - provides information regarding the support services available within Hertfordshire.
  • Sandbox - provides online support - interactive games, etc.
  • Lumi Nova - is a useful app for anxiety (game-based).
  • NESSie - provides support for children and young people and families e.g. workshops, signposting.
  • Educational Psychology contact line service - allows parents to speak directly with an Educational Psychologist for advice and guidance.
  • Services for Young People - provides youth work projects, information, advice, guidance, work-related learning and wider support for young people in Hertfordshire. They visit every student with an EHCP in Year 9 and Year 11 to support their transition to the next stage of their education and plan for adulthood.
  • ADD-vance - ADHD and Autism advice and guidance.
  • Anna Freud - resources to support mental health and wellbeing.
  • The Dyslexia Association - information and signposting.

Upcoming Events/Workshops

Please find below information about various workshops and online courses being run locally to support parents/carers and students.