In-year admissions

We very rarely have vacancies outside the normal admissions round. Applications for each year group are considered in accordance with the relevant over subscription criteria. If there are no vacancies, children will be placed on the continuing interest list for the appropriate year group. If a vacancy arises in any of our year groups, a place will be allocated in accordance with our In-Year admissions policy and not according to the date a child's name was added to the list.

Parmiter's School is not part of Hertfordshire County Council's scheme of In-Year coordination and parents should apply direct to the school.  Parents wishing to be considered for a place in Years 7 - 10 at Parmiter's School will need to submit an In-Year application to the school. 

For Year 7 only, the In-Year process will start from 31 December in Year 7 ie children will remain on the continuing interest list until 31 December of Year 7.   

The In-Year application form should be returned by post to: Parmiter's School, High Elms Lane, Garston, Near Watford, WD25 0UU or by email to:


In order to comply with the Admissions Code, the Local Authority will be informed of every application and its outcome.

Click here for information on Hertfordshire Local Authority's in-year admissions.