
Information and communication are key to a successful relationship between our parents, carers, students and staff.  The links within this section provide important information and an insight into life at Parmiter's.  

Attendance & Reporting Absence

Parents should read the Attendance Policy available in the Policies section of the school website. 

If your child is unable to attend school due to ill health, the absence should be reported as follows:

Year 7 to 11 Attendance
24 hour absence line: 01923 665719
Sixth Form Attendance
24 hour absence line: 01923 665715

Information required when reporting an absence is: caller's name, the student's name, tutor group and the reason for the student's absence.  Absences should be reported daily by 8.55am.  We ask parents/carers not to take children out of school during term time.  Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence to students unless they consider there to be "exceptional circumstances".  Requests should be addressed to the Headmaster: prior to any arrangements being made.  Requests for holidays during term time will not be authorised.    

Where possible, we encourage parents to make dental and non-urgent medical appointments out of school hours.  If medical appointments during school time cannot be avoided, students should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary.  Notification of absence for medical appointments should be emailed in advance.  Year 7 to 11 students are expected to sign out in the Pastoral Support Base before leaving the school site.  Sixth Form students must tap out with their student pass or see Mrs Smith before leaving the school premises.

The School Day & Term Dates

Term Dates 2023-2024

Term Dates 2024-2025

Term Dates 2025-2026

Week 1 _ Week 2 Schedule 2023-2024

Week 1_Week 2 Schedule 2024-2025


The school day starts at 8.30am and ends at 3.20pm.  Students are required to be in their form rooms by 8.35am for morning registration.  They can arrive on the school site from 8.00am onwards. 

The normal timetable is as follows:

8.30am Warning bell: students proceed to Form Rooms.

8.35am Registration followed by Assembly 

8.55am - 9.55am Period 1

9.55am - 10.55am Period 2

10.55am - 11.20am Morning Break

11.20am - 12.20pm Period 3

12.20pm - 1.20pm Period 4

1.20pm - 2.20pm Lunch

2.20pm - 3.20pm Period 5

3.20pm End of school



Great importance is attached to the wearing of school uniform (Years 7-11) and uniform dress in the Sixth Form, which are regarded as the keynote to good order in the school. Students are not normally allowed to wear training shoes, except at break or lunchtime, or for travel to or from school.  Students who have permission not to wear complete school uniform are to carry a note signed by their Form Tutor.

The School Uniform Policy details uniform requirements for students in Years 7 - 11. The uniform suppliers are:

131-135 Victoria Street
St Albans, AL1 3XS

DJ Uniforms
45 High Street
Bushey,  WD23 1BD

Watford School Uniforms
222 St Albans Road
Watford, WD24 4AU


PE Kit

Parmiter's students purchase some PE kit items online, directly from the website of our official suppliers, Henry Tilly Sports.

Visit the Parmiter's webshop online at:

If any parent does not have the facility to order online, they are welcome to visit Henry Tilly Sports at:

10 Metro Centre
Ronsons Way
St. Albans

Opening hours: 9.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Telephone number: 01727 843155



  • White Parmiter's polo shirt*
  • White shorts
  • Navy rugby shorts
  • White socks (football and sports socks)
  • Parmiter's reversible rugby shirt*
  • Training shoes (Astroturfs are acceptable)
  • Football boots (plastic or rubber studs) – These are different to Astroturf trainers – see pictures for guidance.
  • Shin pads
  • Mouth guard

* All these items must be purchased from the PE Kit supplier, Henry Tilly Sports.   

An Extra-Curricular Tracksuit is advised for students who play regularly for a school representative team.


  • Blue Parmiter's polo shirt*
  • Football boots (plastic or rubber studs)
  • Mouth guard
  • A choice of two items from Navy skort*, Parmiter's sports leggings*, Burgundy shorts (all three items can be purchased if you wish)
  • Parmiter's PE sweatshirt*
  • Shin pads
  • Sky blue hockey/football socks
  • Trainers
  • White sports socks

* All these items must be purchased from the PE kit supplier, Henry Tilly Sports.

An Extra-Curricular Tracksuit is advised for students who play regularly for a school representative team.


Additional Sports Clothing

We are extremely keen to ensure that students who attend our extra-curricular programme are ambassadors for Parmiter's and uphold the image of our school.  To purchase school branded garments to wear at fixtures and clubs and for further information, please click here.   

Please note, these items do not form part of our PE Kit and can only be worn for practices and representative fixtures and events.  These items may not be worn during PE lessons - students should continue to wear the appropriate PE kit required for the activity they are covering.


The Sixth Form Dress Code is available in the section: Life in the Sixth Form.

School Bus Service

Parmiter's has worked with Mullanys Coaches for many years to deliver a student bus service.  We currently offer 9 bus routes, transporting over 500 students from the surrounding area to and from school each day. 

The detailed bus timetable for 2024/25 is available here, and an interactive map can be found here

If you would like a place on the school bus from September 2024, please complete this online application form by Friday 5 July. 

Bus service Terms and Conditions.

If you have any questions regarding School Transport, please email


School Transport Health & Safety

All students using the school transport service should wear a seatbelt if available. We operate 2 double decker buses on which there may be standing capacity only at times (standing is only permitted on the bottom deck and only after all seats are fully occupied) but the buses are fitted with handrails and grab handles for safety.

Please discuss this with your child and reiterate the importance of following the rules.  Any questions can be discussed with a member of staff.  Failure to comply with the regulations, which are in place for the safety of all users, will result in your child not being allowed to travel on the bus.

If there is a significant delay on a bus in the morning, then a text message will be sent to students and parents/carers.  If there is a significant delay in the evening, then an email will be sent to parents/carers.  Please ensure that the school has an up-to-date mobile number and email address for you by emailing this information to


Cycling to School

Parmiter's School encourages students to cycle to and from school and has a bike shed for the storage of bikes during school hours.  Bicycles may be left in the bike shed at the student's own risk.  The school does not accept responsibility for bicycles left at school at any time.  Please view the Travel Plan and Behaviour Policy which are available in the School Policies section of the website.


Lockers are available for students to rent on an annual basis through ILS Ltd, an independent company.  All dealings will be directly with ILS.  For further information and to book a locker visit   Rental costs are £25 per year from September to July.  Year 7 parents should select  "Locker Area by Dining Room" as the locker location.

Locker size:  Height:  595mm Width:  300mm Depth:  450mm

Medical Information

Parents should read the Medical and First Aid Policy available in the Policies section of the school website.  It is important that parents give consent on the Admissions form for the school to take any appropriate action in case of an accident or illness.

From time to time during the school day, students may become unwell or be injured.  The School Matron will provide prompt attention and administer any necessary first aid treatment.   If an illness or injury were serious, then you would be informed in order that your son or daughter could be taken home or to hospital.

Tablets will not be given on demand, but only after very careful consideration by staff.  The following is a list of medicines and treatments normally kept in the Medical Room, which may be used if deemed appropriate:

Medicine Used for:
Anthisan Cream (antihistamine) Insect bites and stings
Antihistamine tablets/solution Hayfever/Allergies
Ice Packs Swelling
Paracetamol (tablets) Headaches/Pain
Ibuprofen (tablets) Headaches/Pain
Ralgex (or similar) spray/cream Muscular Aches, sprains etc
Rennies Indigestion
Sturgeon Travel sickness
*Salbutamol inhaler Asthmatic difficulties (POM)
Burn free gel/hydrogel Minor burns/scalds (skin intact)

*If necessary, Matron will administer a spare inhaler from her medical supplies. However this is NOT practical on a regular basis and would be for extreme emergencies only. 

The Paracetamol that the School dispenses is in tablet form.  If your son/daughter requires Paracetamol in liquid form, this should be provided from home.

Children are sometimes prescribed medication for specific ailments such as migraines, hayfever or if an alternative to paracetamol is necessary.  In this situation, parents must write to Matron, providing the necessary medication together with clear instructions regarding administration.  The medication must be sent in its original packaging, clearly labelled with the student’s name and form.

Students with life-saving medication such as inhalers, epipens or insulin, must be responsible for keeping these on their person at all times.  Matron should also be given “spares” or back-up medication in case of emergency.  Known asthmatics will not be allowed to go on any school trip without their inhaler.

Please note that students will be offered vaccination and immunisation boosters as and when necessary.  Parents will be notified of these.

How You Can Help

If you are in a position to offer a visit to your company, work experience for our students, give careers talks and/or participate in our careers evenings, please complete the Careers-Related Events and Work Experience Form.  Our Careers Advisor, Mrs Jo Zanetti, would be very pleased to hear from you. 

Donations and Contributions

Parmiter's School Foundation welcomes donations and contributions from parents, carers and friends of Parmiter's.  These can be made as a one-off or on a regular basis and enable the Foundation to grant funds to the school to enhance the experience of all students. 

If you would like further information about making a donation, please contact our Business Director by email: or by telephoning the school.

To make a regular donation, please complete this form ~ Standing Order Mandate

To enable us to enhance your donation with Gift Aid, please complete this form ~ Gift Aid declaration form

Completed forms should be sent to Reception or emailed to